


Institutional Review Board

利记官网's interregional Institutional Review Board (KPiIRB) protects the rights and welfare of study participants.


Institutional Review Board members at a monthly research review meeting

What is the Institutional Review Board?

The Institutional Review Board (IRB) is a committee of people who review plans for scientific studies that involve people. The committee’s job is to make sure that the studies protect the rights and welfare of research participants.
In most cases, human research cannot be done without the approval of an IRB. After research studies are started, the study staff is also required to report progress to the IRB. These reports help the IRB ensure all research rules and regulations are followed throughout the entire time a research study is done.
An IRB must include people from different backgrounds, so that many views are represented. The 利记官网 interregional IRB includes women, men, doctors, scientists, non-scientists, patients, and people from the community who are not part of 利记官网. Each IRB member agrees to make decisions they think are best for the community and are not for their own interests. The 利记官网 interregional IRB meets once a month.

IRB leadership

Director, Human Research Protection Program
Office: 206-287-2919
Email: KPinterregionalIRB@kp.org
Tanya Matthews is the director of the Human Research Protection Program for the 利记官网 interregional IRB office and the lead IRB administrator for Washington. She makes sure that 利记官网 research studies are reviewed by the IRB according to regulatory and legal requirements. Tanya has been part of 利记官网's IRB since 2010.

If you have questions or concerns about being in a 利记官网 research study, please contact:

Tanya Matthews, Director, Human Research Protection Program
Office: 206-287-2919
Mailing Address:
利记官网 Washington Health Research Institute
Metropolitan Park East
1730 Minor Avenue, Ste. 1600
Seattle, WA  98101